Feb 6, 2022 Why your business needs a curated learning platform and how to create one What is a curated learning platform? How do you create one? Find out how to make a curated learning platform work for your employees and your...
Jan 19, 2022 Reskilling and Upskilling in a Hybrid World What is the effect of hybrid working on learning? What happens when reskilling and upskilling and the hybrid model collide? The 5App team explores.
Jan 14, 2022 How Hemsley Fraser pivoted to virtual learning to support customer needs See how Hemsley Fraser partnered with 5app to fundamentally change the way they work, communicate, collaborate and learn.
Nov 16, 2021 How to accelerate skills development and learning The skills challenge is something facing all employers. Find out how to accelerate skills development and learning in your workplace with 5app.
Oct 19, 2021 How do you choose the right channels for hybrid learning? What is hybrid learning, and how can you choose the best channels for it? Discover the best channels for successful hybrid learning in this post.
Sep 29, 2021 Our exciting new partnership with D&I content specialist, All of Us 5App announces their content partnership with specialist D&I content agency, All of Us, and launches the D&I Engagement Hub, to underpin your D&I...
Sep 7, 2021 What is hybrid working and what does it mean for my organisation? Hybrid working is being adopted across many organisations but what does the hybrid workplace look like and what are the biggest challenges?
Aug 18, 2021 Build vs buy? Develop talent in-house with the right learning technology Buying in skills costs up to six times as much as developing talent internally. Find out how the right learning technology helps develop talent...
Aug 4, 2021 Onboarding new staff or reboarding? How technology can help with the heavy lifting First impressions count when onboarding new staff, but companies must ensure successful reboarding so that returning employees retain skills and...
Jul 20, 2021 How to support learning and reskilling on a budget Many organisations are operating with a skills deficit, making reskilling an urgent business imperative. Learn how to support reskilling on a budget.
Jun 22, 2021 Knowledge sharing: what it is and why it's critical to business success Knowledge sharing is business critical. It’s essential organisations ensure all employees can access the knowledge they need, when and how they need...
May 28, 2021 Business software solutions - why take two bottles into the shower? Do businesses needs both a learning platform and an intranet? Duncan Barrett looks at the benefit of combining both through one business software...
Apr 21, 2021 Bridging the soft skills gap – don’t forget your accidental managers Learn why you must close the skills gap and support your accidental managers. Developing the right skills for your organisation is a business...
Apr 8, 2021 How to improve learner engagement Find out how L&D teams can increase learner engagement in the hybrid world of work with our employee engagement ideas and learner engagement...
Mar 26, 2021 Does your learning content support employee mental health? Curating resources to support employee mental health and wellbeing, as well as having the right learning technology, is key to building healthy...
Mar 4, 2021 How to build a business case for a learning platform See our handy guide on how to build the business case for a learning platform. Where do you start if you are looking to make your first purchase?
Feb 22, 2021 How to improve EDI in the workplace How do you create an inclusive culture at work? Read about the role of EDI resources (equality, diversity, inclusion) in building inclusivity
Jan 29, 2021 The role of communication in learning: the 5app pillars Find out about the importance of communication in learning and the 5app pillars of agile learning: Development, Knowledge & Communication.
Jan 12, 2021 Best online learning formats to engage your staff Employees require digital resources to help do their jobs and learn new skills. Find out which online learning formats are the most popular.
Nov 27, 2020 Bridging the digital talent gap The need for digital skills is so great employers must implement upskilling strategies now. Find advice on bridging the digital talent gap.
Nov 16, 2020 3 learning metrics business leaders need to drive performance Find out why business leaders need a laser focus on performance improvement and which 3 learning metrics are essential for achieving impact.
Oct 28, 2020 How can L&D support virtual team working? Virtual team working is here to stay. Learn how L&D teams can educate organisations on the best way to work more effectively in virtual ways.
Aug 27, 2020 Brandon Hall Group gold award for Greystar, 5app and Hemsley Fraser This award celebrates the learning partnership that has successfully supported Greystar’s transformation into a learning culture.
Jul 29, 2020 How L&D can drive the wellbeing agenda There are huge opportunities for L&D to lead the wellbeing agenda post-COVID - providing the resources employees need to stay well and safe.
May 15, 2020 Managing remote teams: challenges and best practice Managing remote teams is now a required skill for most managers. Find out how to guide your team effectively and help them stay productive.
May 1, 2020 How to pivot business strategy and support remote workers Read how Hemsley Fraser worked with 5App to broadened their customer offering and transform how they communicate and support remote workers.
Sep 11, 2019 Getting started with social learning What is social learning? A better question is: what should social learning look like in my organisation in 2021 and beyond? Find out here.