Compliance training

Keep everyone on the straight and narrow

5app's compliance training platform helps you keep employees in the loop about all relevant regulations and policies for total compliance and peace of mind for your business.

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Automated reminders

Automate your reminders directly within your compliance training platform to keep everyone engaged with their vital compliance training for the smooth operation and performance of your business.

One place for compliance training

5app’s compliance training platform makes it easy to ensure employees know what they need to do and by when, with streamlined comms, handy nudges and comprehensive reporting, ensuring you're always ready for your next compliance audit.

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Curated compliance content

Our academies curation service will help you further streamline the compliance training process, meaning every employee sees exactly what they need, exactly when they need it to stay compliant in their role.

Step in line with better compliance

Get your 5app demo today to explore our award-winning compliance training platform.