
Unlocking the power of sections in 5app

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Unlocking the power of sections in 5app

At the heart of our platform lies Playlists, a way of seamlessly organising content for any learning or communication project.

In our latest releases, we’ve introduced Section Locking to Playlists, allowing curators greater control over how and when content is made available to employees.

Sections can be unlocked in three distinct ways:

    1. Employee progression - the section will be unlocked when the previous section’s required content has been completed

    2. A specific time and date - the section remains locked until a predetermined date and time set by the Playlist curator 

    3. Manual admin intervention - the platform admin or Playlist owner controls the locking


How to use Section Locking

Our new 5app product update video shows exactly how Section Locking works. As always, it's reassuringly simple! Take a look:



Programmatic learning

You’re delivering a learning programme and want to assign your cohort with content at a particular point in time. With section locking, you can now create time-sensitive parts of your Playlist, such as pre-reading materials, content from the training session and post-coursework activities such as quizzes and further resources.


Our award-winning training partner, Hemsley Fraser, makes light work of this when delivering leadership programmes to their customers - combining a mixture of in-person training and a super-personalised way of consuming digital learning material during their programme through section locking.


Employee onboarding

You’ve got a steady intake of new employees joining your business who need to get a handle on their role within the company. Our customers love to craft induction-based Playlists to add structure to their employee onboarding content - such as the employee handbook, welcome videos from the leadership and the always-needed company holiday policy. With Section Locking, you can ensure employees consume your onboarding content how you want them to.

Our customer Problem Shared introduce their new starters to their Learning Hub from day one, starting with a welcome video from their CEO and an important employee handbook. Once completed, they can watch videos from different parts of the business and dive into systems-based tutorials and company policies.


Internal communications

The 5app platform is commonly used as a communication tool, with Playlists used to host the latest updates from the CEO, company town halls and need-to-know internal news. But we know internal comms teams are often working on the next piece of content behind the scenes. With section locking, admins can place content in a 'coming soon', section and manually release it when needed.

Hemsley - Intranet

The final word

Even with more customisation options available to LMS admins, we’re ensuring our platform doesn't become bloated with features. In fact, we’ve taken this opportunity to simplify the admin experience with a new one-click edit button and a single page to curate and edit your content and Playlist.


Want to see our platform in action?

Let us show you how easy it can be with 5app! Get your demo today to see how to use 5app to boost employee engagement, loyalty and productivity across your entire business.



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