Learning & Development

3 reasons to go beyond the LMS

Beyond the LMS
3 reasons to go beyond the LMS

“I just have so much time and budget!”... said no L&D professional ever.

The truth is, every single L&D team in the world is grappling with sky-high ambitions and expectations, but without the budget or resource to match. When you don’t have a bottomless pit of money to play with or a giant team, it’s time to think differently about what you’ve already got. If you’re wondering if your current setup could be working harder for you, maybe it’s time to think beyond the LMS.

The LMS is the biggest investment in most learning tech stacks, so why not squeeze every last drop of value out of it? If that sounds too good to be true, you may be intrigued to hear that businesses like yours are already doing it – and with great results. Let’s take a look at three of the top reasons it’s time to expand your horizons and take your LMS beyond learning alone.


1. Boost employee engagement

Employee engagement will always be a priority for L&D and HR. High engagement levels result in better productivity, employee wellbeing and retention, all of which has a significant impact on the bottom line. The more engaged your employees, the easier your job will be – and the better your learning metrics will look.

Your LMS is almost certainly the digital home of your learning – but that doesn’t mean it’s always the most inspiring platform. As it’s already your digital home for employees, why not fully lean into it?

Find out what your employees really want and need to learn to improve their roles. Is it relevant industry news? Do they need more just-in-time job aids? Would a learning leaderboard help motivate them to engage in more learning? Asking that question, whether it’s via a survey or in informal conversations, will help you provide a digital space that feels genuinely useful and valuable to entice employees back time after time.

Thomas Thor Case Study results-1

Find out how Thomas Thor used fun, quirky content – including Ted Lasso's moustache – to pique the interest of employees and keep them coming back to their LMS!


2. Do more with less


Doing more with less’ is a common theme in L&D. L&D budgets tend to be the first cut in difficult times and the slowest to grow, meaning we’ve become adept at doing what we can with what we’ve got. If you’re purely using your LMS for delivering learning, it could be time to look at what else your LMS could do for you.

An LMS doesn’t have to be limited to formal learning content. If you’re also trying to manage internal comms, knowledge sharing and content curation, why not bring it all together in your learning platform? 

Many customers use 5app as an LMS-intranet hybrid, allowing them to push out all of their learning, knowledge, comms, company updates and industry news in one place. It’s a true one-stop shop for upskilling and building knowledge, and it streamlines the learning and knowledge sharing process for employees and the L&D team (more on that in the next section…) while avoiding the need for multiple tools.


3. Make your life easier


L&D professionals in small businesses wear a lot of hats. You’re probably the go-to person for onboarding, compliance training, creating elearning, uploading content to the LMS, adding new users, managing in-person workshops, fielding requests from managers, troubleshooting technical issues… the list is endless!

When you’re already stretched thin, the last thing you need is to duplicate your efforts and create extra work for yourself. Instead of having to hop from tool to tool and update the same information across several platforms, why not make your life easier by doing everything once, in one place?

For instance, imagine you’ve launched a new compliance programme. With a platform like 5app, you can:

  1. Drag and drop your content into the Hub
  2. Organise your content in to a structured compliance playlist 
  3. Assign the content to everyone or just a specific area of the business
  4. Create an announcement post to launch your programme
  5. Share the playlist with everyone who needs to see it
  6. Automate reminders to complete the content through our Nudges feature - which appear as emails, platform notifications and even within Microsoft Teams

You can also post supplementary content to reinforce why the new compliance programme matters, such as news stories about recent compliance breaches, videos from your CEO to remind people to complete the training and even relevant podcasts to engage employees in multiple ways.

You can do all of this without ever needing to leave your 5app hub – much easier than flipping from your LMS to your LXP to your emails to your comms tool to your intranet, right?


How to go beyond the LMS

“OK 5app,” we hear you say, “that all sounds great, but how do I actually do it?”

Well, the good news is that if you’re ready to go beyond the borders of your LMS, we’ve got just the thing for you!

5app’s CXO Aby Reynolds and Sales Manager Corey Mitchell are taking to the virtual stage on 26th September with our very first (yes, FIRST!) LinkedIn Live session. 

Over the course of 30 minutes, Aby and Corey will share some of their top tips for making your LMS work harder, speeding up your painful L&D processes and doing more with less. They’ll show you how Greystar, Hemsley Fraser and Ascent Flight Training are already going beyond the LMS, and there will be time for questions if anything grabs your attention.


Go beyond the LMS 🚀

Ready to go beyond your LMS? RSVP here and we’ll let you know when we’re going live on 26th September!



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